Friday, 12 March 2010

Hey, Apple!

Here and there, now and then, there has always been some little thing that gets on our nerves and makes us lose our temper. From the dripping of a tap to some neighboors' awful taste for music, we have to put up with a lot daily in order to live in harmony. And if that isn't enough, some youtube videos will do that job quite as well.

In this week's meeting meetupspeakers will deal with annoying things: what do you usually do to avoid getting annoyed? how easily can someone get on your nerves? Are there any antidotes to make your day slightly better?


  1. Humm, one thing that annoys me is some rules without sense, I mean...when someone tells me that I can't do this ou that, but doesn't tell me's really stupid! Antidotes? I try to keep my sport activities or read a book, go out with some friends to talk foolish (talking foolish is very important, guys!)... that's all! :-)

  2. I mean... talking about silly things in a positive sense :-)

  3. hey tania, hope to see you later on!

  4. Berttoni, as I said , here I am commenting something. haha =)... What annoys me the most is when the meetupspeakers don't come to the meetings! HM. Tania, where have u been, duuude? We miss ya!

  5. Hi my friends, I've been sick all last week :-( ... but now I'm better :-) I miss you as well
